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Our sport club team at Vltava Run 2022

The biggest relay-race in Slovakia was not enough for our sport club SFÉRA – Zdravý život (SFÉRA - Healthy life) enthusiasts and they wanted to try something new.
On the weekend of May 14 - 15, 2022, the Vltava Run ran - even bigger, longer and more demanding relay races from Šumava to Prague. The big challenge was just getting the registration, some teams managed to do it for the third time - and it worked out for us on the first try! 💪

300 teams took part in the start of the race. Our team competed in the category A = mix of 10 to 12 runners.

The route included many trails - probably the most of the relay races in the area and led through the historic towns of Rožmberg, Český Krumlov, České Budějovice, Hluboká nad Vltavou, as well as through picturesque Czech villages with ponds in the middle. Our representatives met the planned time to complete the track 38:50 and managed it more than 2 hours earlier. They reached the finish line in 36:44!

The course of the race was similar to previous years:

  • It started from the ski resort Zadov - Churáňov on Saturday 14.5. at 4:10.
  • The track was divided into 36 sections with a length of 7 to 15 km.
  • The runners had two cars at their disposal, each with a driver and 6 runners.
  • The runner was brought to the relay handover by a vehicle, and after handing over, the running runner was picked up by this vehicle, which continued for the next handover.
  • The relay was handed over by clapping hands.
  • Colleagues ran non-stop, day-night-day. On asphalt, concrete, gravel, clay and grass. "Sleep" lasted a maximum of 3 hours.
  • During the day the weather was sunny with temperatures up to 24 ° C in the shade, but at night the temperatures dropped to 4 to 5 ° C!
  • Each runner ran 3 sections, so in 24 hours s/he ran from 24 to 38 km. Or a little more, when the runners did not really know where they were running 🙄.
  • In total, they overcame the ascent of more than 5,400 m and the descent over 6,300 m.
  • They reached the finish line in the HAMR Braník sports complex in Prague on Sunday 15.5. at 16:54.
  • And then there was the way back to Bratislava.

Our thanks go to:

  • ŠK SFÉRA - ZDRAVÝ ŽIVOT for financial support and the opportunity to represent.
  • Those who did not run, but they drove the car safely with our runners back and forth. They were Mirka and Maťo.
  • Runners who gave perfect performances and were in a great mood.
  • We were honored to complete this running adventure.
  • And thanks to all who cheered on us and kept our fingers crossed.

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Chochol Peter
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+421 2 50213142
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