
Expansion of business and measurement information system in SEPS, a.s.

Business and measurement information system in SEPS, a.s. is being expanded with the applications that are related to new legislative. There on the basis of the product XMatik®.NET/ISOM our company provides its operational support till the end of 2014. It is about solutions which are related to changes in power industry mainly to the decree of Regulatory Office for Network Industries no. 24/2013 Col. on rules for the operation of internal electricity market and rules for operation of inter natural gas market. Within technical and technological support, i.e. services for assuring continues and reliable operation, we provide operative support even for the expanded version in challenging terms which are required by the processes in SEPS, a.s.

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Direct contact
Peter Chochol
sales director
+421 2 50213142
Direct contact
Chochol Peter
sales director
+421 2 50213142
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