
The conference GAS MARKET 2019 put spotlight on gas

Experts from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Austria gathered on May 27 – 28, 2019 in Modra at the conference GAS MARKET 2019. They jointly discussed about current topics resonating in the Slovak and European gas sector and about future perspectives of the gas industry.

Speakers at the conference included representatives of the European Commission, Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Czech Energy Regulatory Office, delegates from regional gas associations, ENTSOG, operators of transmission and distribution infrastructure, analysts, energy suppliers, significant gas consumers in Slovakia and representatives of the heating sector.

Participants of the event particularly appraised high quality of speakers and excellent event organisation in their assessments:

„I definitely evaluate the event as beneficial and will gladly cooperate if another opportunity occurs in the future.“

„For sure the event was beneficial and above all, well organized and in enjoyable environment.“

„The organization, choice of speakers, topics and setting was very good.“

You may find photo gallery, media outputs and other information about the conference at the website

The conference GAS MARKET 2019 was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.

sféra, a.s. as the conference organizer would like to thank Slovak Gas and Oil Association for close cooperation, partners and media partners for supporting the event. We express thanks to all guests and participants who helped to put spotlight on natural gas.


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+421 2 50213142
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Chochol Peter
sales director
+421 2 50213142
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