Information System for Facility Management and Maintenance in Duslo, a.s.
Success in tender for "Facility Management System" means that we
are implementing a complex information
system XMatik®.NET/FMM V10.3 which supports
facility management and maintenance in Duslo a.s.
Individual modules of the information system provide support for
management and maintenance of buildings and production facilities;
detailed hierarchical evidence of all objects, their history,
equipment as well as planning for future activities. To support
maintenance processes, the information system provides for
registration and planning of all events of equipment lifecycle -
including cost tracking - starting from its installation and
continuing through testing, planning and monitoring all maintenance
activities up to putting the equipment out of operation. Management
of technical and technological documentation will be an integral
part of the information system, having tools for generating outputs
in various formats by demand, as well as tools for preparation and
management of printed documents. Graphic tools of information
system, based on products of Bentley Systems Incorporated,
will enable creation of intelligent diagrams, network charts and
tools for comfortable graphic navigation in databases build
on Oracle technological platform.