International conference Management in Power industry '08
The conference is held every two years alternately in Slovak and
Czech republic since 1994. The main aim is exchange of information
and experience in operation and management of power and heat
systems and also establishes contacts between experts in the field
of power industry and representatives of research and universities.
Conference was held on June 11th-13rd, 2008 this year.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of
electrical engineering and information technology, SEPS, a.s.
(Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc.), Slovenské
elektrárne, a.s., Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Applied
Informatics, ČEZ a.s., SEPS, a.s. organize the conference under the
auspices of Ministry of economy of the Slovak republic.
Our company was represented by active presentations entitled
Utilization of knowledge systems in planning of energy devices
maintenance, with example of concrete realization in SEPS,
a.s. (Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc.) and Integration
of metering data in datawarehouse of SE, a.s.