Organized daily market
The portal www.isot.sk of
information system XMtrade®/ISOT supporting processes of
organized day ahead electricity market in Slovakia has started on
Information system, designed by our company, was delivered to
Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s., which is the
electricity market organizer in Slovakia. Participants of
electricity daily market can offer or request electricity and the
system will provide automated matching and optimization of final
price of daily contracts. Organized daily market provides
possibility to decrease spending on deviation between scheduled and
real electricity consumption.
Information system XMtrade®/ISOT V3.4 will support
connection of daily markets in SR and CR by market coupling from
the September 1, 2009. The orders from both Czech and Slovak trade
areas will be matched together, thus increasing the liquidity of
both daily electricity markets. Our company cooperates in the
project of market coupling with customer, SEPS, a.s., as well as
market operator in CR, Operátor trhu s elektřinou, a.s., and its
suppliers, Logica Czech Republic, s.r.o., and INDRA Czech Republic,