Support of day-ahead market in the Slovak Republic
Our company was entrusted with Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová
sústava, a.s. (Slovak transmission system operator) to realize
important project (in accordance with the declaration TlacSprava_15.1.2009),
support of day-ahead market operator, the new role of SEPS, a.s. in
electricity market.
The project is an extension of Information system of deviation
billing, based on XMtrade®/ISZO which we implemented in the end of
2008. The project of day-ahead market is important also in
international point of view and is in accordance with trends in
development of electricity market in European union. We will solve
support of interconnection with spot market in the Czech Republic,
so-called Market Coupling after the implementation of support for
day-ahead market in the Slovak Republic in second half of
Sféra, a.s., as a SEPS, a.s. supplier, co-operates with the Czech
Electricity Market Operator (OTE), Logica Czech Republic, s.r.o.
and INDRA Czech Republic, s.r.o.